We are investigating the source of this error message and it appears to be connected to a program called EDGECAM Milling. It is not part of Final Draft.
You should be able to dismiss this error message and use Final Draft as you normally would.
If you are unable to open Final Draft because of this error message, follow these steps:
- Open Windows File Explorer (the yellow file folder icon at the bottom of the screen);
- Choose Local Disk C (may be named Windows C or OS C or words to that effect);
- Open C:\Windows\SysWOW64;
- Scroll past the folders until the .dll files are displayed;
- Right-click on BingMaps.dll and choose Copy (if you don't have this file choose another .dll file);
- Go to the Desktop, right-click in an empty area and left-click on Paste; the BingMaps.dll file will be pasted onto the Desktop;
- Right-click this copied .dll file;
- From the context menu that comes up, left-click on Rename;
- Rename this file edgegdi.dll
- Drag or copy/paste this file into the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder;
- Close all open folders.
Final Draft should now launch without error.