1. Log in to your Org Admin panel via https://fd.support/orgadmin or clicking here
2. Make sure your license has an available seat by choosing Licenses from the left-hand panel. The last two columns on the right will show the number of licenses currently in use (Seats Consumed) and the number currently available:
3. In the left-hand panel, go to Users;
4. Click Invite:
5. Enter the name and email address of the new user;
6. Select a group or groups to which the user will be invited;
7. If a recipient is to be an Org Admin, check the Assign Admin access box;
8. Write an optional message and click Invite. The email will be sent to the recipient:
9. When they accept the invitation, they will be placed on the group’s list of users.
After the invitation has been sent, to check its status, go to Org Admin > Invitations and the status of the organization's invitations will be displayed (Accepted, Pending, Declined). An invitee can be removed by clicking the ellipses at the far right of their row and choosing Remove.