The correct way to change the font of a script is at the Element level:
- Go to Format > Elements (Mac) or Format > Elements Settings (Windows) and click on the Font tab;
- Click Set Font;
- In the Font box at the upper left, select the font you want and click OK;
- Click Apply Font/Size to All Elements;
- Click OK to get back to your script. The body of your script will now be in the font you chose.
Next, you'll need to do the Page Numbers and the Mores and Continueds:
- With the script still open, go to Document > Header and Footer;
- On your keyboard, press Control+A (Win) or triple-click (Mac) to select everything underneath the ruler bar;
- Go to Format > Font from the top menu bar;
- Windows: In the Font box at the upper left, select the font you want and click OK; Mac: Go to Format Font and select the font;
- In the Header and Footer box, click OK to get back to your script;
- Go to Document > Mores and Continueds and click on the Set Font button at the bottom of the window;
- Windows: In the Font box at the upper left, select the font you want and click OK; Mac: Go to Format Font and select the font.
Next, you will need to correct any text whose font was changed if you highlighted it and went to Format Font:
- Go to Edit > Select All;
- Go to Format > Font and choose the correct font;
- OK your way back to the script.
DO NOT highlight your entire script, go to Format > Font and choose another font. If you do it this way, only the selected text will be changed and all typing you do after this point will still be in the old font.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We don't recommend using any font other than Courier Final Draft because setting a script in a different font can cause a drastic change in the page count. Even using a similar-looking Courier font such as Courier New can possibly result in a 100-page (for example) script paginating at 120-125 pages. Cross-platform (Mac to Windows and vice-versa) pagination can also be affected because while both the Mac and the Windows versions of Final Draft use the exact same font, Mac's Arial (for example) may paginate differently from Windows' Arial.