Presentation and Printing
- Can I create colored PDFs?
- What are the proper indents for using three-hole punch paper?
- How can I set the page number to appear on the first page?
- Why aren't my page numbers printing?
- How can I add an episode number to the top of each page?
- Is it possible to print out a script with all the ScriptNotes markers expanded?
- How do I print the title page with my script?
- How do I print out character sides?
- Why won't my script print?
- Continueds are cut off at the bottom of the page when I print.
- Can Final Draft print back to front?
- How can I print ScriptNotes?
- Can I print a single scene?
- How can I include or exclude the title page when I save my script to PDF?
- How long should an average screenplay be?
- How can I add a quotes page?
- Nothing happens when printing a page range longer than the script
- How do I create and save the title page? (video)
- Can I put an image on the title page?
- Why isn't the title page the first page of my script?
- How can I clear or remove the title page from a Final Draft script?
- I've just completed my first screenplay. How should I present it?
- Changing the Look Of Your Script (Tech Tips article)
- Can I write a documentary or television commercial script with Final Draft?
- Can I insert a footnote into a script?
- Can Final Draft format, print or PDF pages in Landscape?