Go to Document > Title Page...
This opens the script’s title page in a separate document window:
Type the script's title, the writer’s contact information and any other pertinent information over the sample text and delete any unneeded sample text. When the title page has been edited, close the title page editing window with the red Close button at the upper left. This will return the user to the script. When the script is saved, the updated title page will be saved as well.
Images may be placed onto the title page(s) via the methods described here.
To create multiple title pages:
Position the blinking cursor at the end of the page and go to Insert > Page Break. As many additional title pages for cast lists, location lists, introductions, etc. that are needed may be created.
Title pages are numbered with Roman numerals (i, iv, ix) so they will be visually distinct from the script pages' numbering. Title page numbers may be removed by going to Document > Header and Footer and removing the Page field.
Including or excluding the Title Page in the output:
When a script is to be printed (File > Print) to paper or PDF, a check box allows the user to include or exclude the title page from the print job:
For more information on creating a title page watch the following video: