You can easily insert an image into your script or the Beat Board.
Go to Insert > Image, which will open a standard dialogue box, and navigate to and select a .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG or .PNG image file to place at the cursor in your file or the Beat Board (you can also insert an image into your Title Page). The image, when inserted, will be resized to fit on the page or Beat.
You may also click and drag the compatible image to the file or Beat Board.
An image’s horizontal location on the page will be determined by the paragraph type in which the blinking cursor resides when the image is inserted – that is, if the blinking cursor is in (for example) a blank Character paragraph, the image will be placed close to the middle of the line because the Character element is close to the middle of the line; if the blinking cursor is in a Transition paragraph when an image is inserted, the image will be located towards the right side of the line because Transitions are located towards the right side of the line.
To change the alignment of an image, place the blinking cursor on the same line as the image and go to Format > Alignment.
To change the number of blank lines above an image, place the blinking cursor on the same line as the image and go to Format > Space Before.
An image can be resized by dragging the white square resize handle at the bottom right corner. To reduce the size of the image, drag the resize handle up and to the left; to enlarge it, drag the resize handle down and to the right.
Once inserted, an image may be repositioned in the same way as a text selection via drag-and-drop or with the Cut / Copy / Paste commands.
To delete an image, place the blinking cursor on the same line as the image and if the cursor is to the left of the image, on the keyboard press the Delete key. If the cursor is to the right of the image, on the keyboard press the Backspace key.
The Insert Image command is only available for page views – Normal, Page and Speed. Images are not supported in Scene View or Index Card views.
Alternate Methods of Inserting an Image
Right-click or Control + click on a script or title page, select Insert Image, and a standard Mac or Windows dialogue box will open that allows you to navigate to and select an image
- or -
drag an image file icon from any folder (including the Desktop) directly onto the script or Beat Board
- or -
drag an image from the Beat Board onto a script page.
You can also insert an image via the Insert Image button on the customizable Toolbar:
To learn more about inserting images watch the following video:
Or read the following article about the best way to use images in your script: