If you have Final Draft 13, go to Edit >Emoji and Symbols, and a standard emoji picker will be displayed. Find the symbol you want and click it to insert it where the blinking cursor is on the page.
For information on upgrading to Final Draft 13, click HERE.
If you have Final Draft 12 or older, use the Windows Character Map. Please watch this video:
or follow the directions below. In the video, the Windows instructions start at 0:52.
- In the Windows Start menu, do a search in Cortana or the Search or Run box for the word "charmap" (without quotes);
- Choose the Character Map to open this utility;
- Select the font you're using in Final Draft (most likely Courier Final Draft);
- Look for the character you want;
- Select, copy and paste that character into Final Draft.
Note that when you select the character, you'll see a keystroke combination beginning with Alt+ followed by four digits. Use the Alt key and these numbers on your number pad (on the right side of the keyboard) to place the character into your script. For example, typing Alt+0169 into Final Draft will insert the copyright symbol, ©.
NOTE: If Character Map is not installed on your system, click HERE for the page on the Microsoft Support website for instructions.
NOTE that Final Draft 10 and older do not support Unicode, so there may be characters and symbols you won't be able to use. Unsupported characters are usually rendered as a question mark, a slash, a box or some other symbol. If the character you want isn't displayed correctly after it's been pasted, typed or dragged into your script, you won't be able to use it.