Click here for Final Draft 13.
Final Draft 12 / 11 / 10
- If it's open, quit Final Draft (Command + Q);.
- Go to the Applications folder and drag the Final Draft icon to the Trash.
- Delete the Final Draft preferences:
- Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal;
- Type defaults delete com.finaldraft.finaldraft.v12 / .v11 / .v10 / .v9 <type only the version number you have>;
- Press Return on the keyboard;
- Quit Terminal.
- Delete the Spell-check:
- Click onto the Desktop to bring up the Mac Finder menu;
- Hold down the Option key and choose Go;
- Choose Library > Application Support > Final Draft > Final Draft 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 and drag the Spell-check to the Trash. The Spell-Check will be identified with the name of the language. Example: English (United States). DO NOT DELETE THE BACKUP FOLDER.
- Empty the Trash: Finder > Empty Trash.
- Download and install Final Draft again. The Final Draft installers are HERE.
IMPORTANT: All support for Final Draft 9 and older, including activation service and technical support, has been discontinued and installers are no longer available.