Tagging in the Navigator
Scenes can be tagged in the Tags Navigator. Example scenes will be tagged in the Navigator as A Story, B Story or C Story.
- Go to Help > Sample Scripts > Script to open Tangle and Mossy;
- If it is not already, open go to Tools > Navigator and choose Tags Navigator or from the toolbar icon, choose Tags Navigator;
- Click the plus sign at the bottom left of the Tags in Scene with Category window;
- In the Category Name field enter STORYLINE;
- Optionally choose text color, text highlight and / or text styling (bold / italic / underline) (in this example, underlined text and cyan background);
- Click Add; the STORYLINE category is now displayed on the list:
- In the Navigator’s scene table, double-click the scene to which the tag is to be added;
- Click the plus sign at the bottom left of the Tags in Scene with Category window;
- In the Tag As field, type in “A STORY” (without quotes):
- Click Tag to tag this scene as being part of the A Story;
- Double-click another scene row in the scene table;
- Click the plus sign at the bottom left of the Scene Tags window;
- In the Tag As field, type in “B STORY” (without quotes);
- Click Add;
- Click another scene row in the scene table;
- Click the plus sign at the bottom left of the Scene Tags window;
- In the Tag As field, type in “C STORY” (without quotes)
- Click Add.
To view the scenes by their Storyline tags:
- Click the Column editor icon or right-click the column header row;
- Click Show Category:
- From the dropdown, choose STORYLINE:
The Storyline column will be displayed and will indicate whether a scene is A Story, B Story or C Story.
To learn more about the Tags Navigator and tagging characters read "How do I use the Tags Navigator?" and "How do I link a character with tagged items in a script?"