Many television scripts and stage plays require the act and/or scene number/letter appear in the header at the top of each page. If, for example, “Act 1 Scene A” needs to appear on Pages 1-8, Act I Scene B" needs to appear on Pages 9-16 and "Act 2 Scene A" on Pages 17-24, the Label system enables the user to apply these labels easily.
The Labels command inserts a new header text onto a page. This label text will be displayed at the top of each subsequent page until a new label is inserted.
To insert a Label:
- Position the cursor at the top of the page on which the script label text should begin;
- Choose Insert > Label or press Command + Shift + L on the keyboard;
- The Insert Label dialogue appears:
- Type the Label name;
- Click OK.
The label text will appear in the header or footer.
To stop a Label run:
Insert a new Label and in the Label Name box, tap the space bar once. The new label will consist of a blank space and will therefore be invisible.
To navigate to a labeled page quickly:
- Choose Edit > Go To;
- Select Header Label from the Go To dropdown menu;
- Click Go To;
The script scrolls to the Label’s location.
- Click Close.
To change the Label text:
- Use Edit > Go To to find the label text desired;
- or -
- Position the cursor where the label text was placed;
- Choose Insert > Label;
- The Label dialogue appears;
- Edit the text;
- Click OK to apply the changes.