Note: This feature is used for changing the font of specific lines of the script. If you'd like to change the font for the entire script, or each element individually, see the below article:
How do I change a whole script to another font?
Set Font
Go to Format > Set Font... to open the below window:
From the list on the left, choose a feature (selected text, scene numbers, Mores and Continueds or Index Cards) whose text is to be changed.
On the right side of the window you can select Font, Size, Color, Highlight, Style and Capitalization options.
Sample text is displayed in the field at the bottom of this window.
When the desired changes have been made, click OK to accept them and return to the script.
Change Font and Text Appearance
To change the font or appearance of selected text from a dropdown menu go to Format, scroll down and choose from the following options:
Change the font of selected text by scrolling to the desired font on the submenu and clicking on it;
For bold, italics, underline, etc, you can change the style of selected text by scrolling to the desired style on the submenu and clicking on it;
- or -
use the stye buttons available on the customizable Toolbar;
Change the size of selected text by scrolling to the desired size on the submenu and clicking on it;
Change the color of selected text by scrolling to a list of predefined colors on the submenu and clicking on your choice;
- or -
select Custom... and the standard Mac or Windows color picker will appear. Choose or create a custom color and click OK.
Similar to changing the color of a selected text, choose a highlight color by scrolling to a list of predefined colors on the submenu and clicking on your choice;
- or -
select Custom, choose a color from the standard Mac or Windows color picker and click OK.
To highlight text as it is typed:
- Position the cursor;
- Choose the highlight color as described above.
All text that is typed, from the cursor position until a new paragraph is created or the cursor is placed elsewhere, will be highlighted with the selected color.
Toggle Case
You can change the casing of selected text from uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase with the Toggle Case feature.
Example: To change the word "enters" from lower case to uppercase, highlight it and go to Format > Toggle Case. The word is now "ENTERS."
To change the casing of selected text go to Format > tOGGLE cASE:
You can also simply click the tOGGLE cASE button in the customizable Toolbar.
To learn more about the customizable Toolbar watch the following video: