The Dual Dialogue feature positions two consecutive dialogue paragraphs side by side.
- Type in both speeches (including the Character elements showing names), one after the other. For example:
- Place the cursor anywhere in the first character name;
- Go to Format > Dual Dialogue or press Command + D (Mac) or Control + Alt + D (Windows) on the keyboard.
The speeches are now next to each other:

To edit dual dialogue text
Click anywhere in the dual dialogue paragraph and the Character Name / Dialogue Character Name / Dialogue paragraph sets will shift from the side-by-side format to the single-column format; edit the desired text and click elsewhere on the page. The paragraphs will automatically return to the side-by-side format.
To revert dual dialogue to the normal single-column format
Click anywhere in the dual dialogue paragraph and click the un-dual icon on the left:

The speeches revert to the original stacked format.
For more information on the Dual Dialogue feature watch the following video:
And to learn how to best implement Dual Dialogue into your script read the following article: