To track changes (edits) made to a Final Draft file go to Edit > Track Changes > Turn On Tracking:
Similar to other word processors' Track Changes feature, this function displays changes (edits) made by various writers in their unique color. The writer's name and color are set in the Final Draft menu > Preferences > General tab).
New text added by a writer will be in that writer's color and text deleted by a writer will be in his or her color and struck through.
Changes made by other writers may be accepted or rejected. Accepting a change will remove the writer's color from the text and turn it black; rejecting a change will return the paragraph to its prior state.
When using a touchpad or mouse, if you hover over an edit, this popup appears:
It displays the writer's name, when the edit was made, and what text was added to or removed from the page. The option to accept or reject the change is presented. Clicking on the left-pointing arrow will move to the previous change; clicking on the right-pointing arrow will move to the next change.
The popup can be dismissed by moving the cursor away from it or pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.
Tracking Menu
Turn on Tracking -- puts Final Draft into Track Changes mode. When Track Changes is enabled, this menu item reads Turn Off Tracking.
Next Change -- scrolls the script down to the next edit (keyboard shortcut is Command + Option + K on Mac or Ctrl + Alt + K on Windows).
Previous Change -- scrolls the script up to the previous edit (keyboard shortcut is Command + Shift + Option + K on Mac or Ctrl + Shift +Alt + K on Windows).
Accept Change -- removes color from added text or removes deleted (struck-through) text; applies only to the edited text in which the cursor is currently located (keyboard shortcut is Command + Option + A on Mac or Ctrl + Alt + A on Windows).
Reject Change -- removes added text or the strike-through from text that an author meant to delete; applies only to the edited text in which the cursor is currently located (keyboard shortcut is Command + Option + R on Mac or Ctrl + Alt + R on Windows).
Accept All Changes -- accepts every edit in the file (keyboard shortcut is Command + Shift + Option + A on Mac or Ctrl + Shift + Alt + A on Windows).
Reject All Changes -- rejects every edit in the file (keyboard shortcut is Command + Shift + Option + R or Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R on Windows)).
Accept / Reject Change / All Changes can be undone with Command + Z or redone with Shift + Command + Z.
To learn more about Final Draft's Track Changes feature, watch the following video:
For the differences between Track Changes and Revision Mode, please see the below article: