Select All
To select all of a document go to Edit > Select All.
All of your text, index cards, scenes in Scene View or Beats on the Beat Board will be highlighted.
The Select All feature performs the same function as Command + A (Mac) or Ctrl + A (PC) on the keyboard.
Use this command to take some action on the entire script, such as copying the entire script into the Clipboard or modifying text attributes.
Select Scene
A scene in Final Draft is defined as a Scene Heading followed by other elements such as Action, Character, or Dialogue paragraphs until the next Scene Heading begins. Scene Headings delineate the boundaries between scenes.
Place your cursor in the desired scene, then go to Edit > Select Scene to take some action on an entire scene, such as changing the font or moving it to another location.
An entire scene, in which the cursor is located, will be highlighted.