Beware of purchasing Final Draft on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, Craigslist or other auction or classifieds websites.
If the price for a "new" box, a "gently-used" copy, an upgrade or an "unused / unregistered Customer Number" is too good to be true, it may be a pirated copy of the program. Unscrupulous vendors are known to sell the same Customer Number over and over again to unsuspecting buyers and well-intentioned vendors may be unaware that they're selling a hacked or invalid Customer Number.
We cannot vouch for the authenticity or usability of Final Draft software offered by any individual or vendor selling on an auction or classifieds website.
Final Draft, A Cast & Crew Company, provides no remedy of any kind to people who have purchased illegitimate or non-operational copies of Final Draft from individual/private sellers or auction or classifieds websites.
If you knowingly or unknowingly buy a pirated or non-operational copy of Final Draft, you will NOT receive any support from us. You won't be able to register, get help or activate the program. If you wind up with an illegitimate copy you should try to get a refund and then re-purchase Final Draft from an authorized reseller.
If you buy a computer with Final Draft already installed, it's not your licensed copy. It still belongs to the person who sold you the computer and we cannot help you with it.